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Fee Structure

1. Certification fees will be charged for:
  • Initial – New Certification Audit
  • Surveillance Audit
  • Re-Certification Audit
2. The fees for individual category listed above are stated in Table 1 of this fee schedule

3. For multi-site certification, Fee shall be applicable for sites as per Audit determination and Certification Procedures

4. For other services such extension / amendment of scope or changes in Certificate, Fee shall be applicable as per Table 2

5. Fee Payment shall be made upon receipt of invoice

6. Re-certification Audit shall be considered as a new certification

7. Fee details for producers / service providers overseas shall be charged separately

8. Mastercert reserves the right to amend the fees in individual cases. Clients shall be informed in writing

9. Travel expenses borne by the Auditors shall be reimbursed by the clients

10. Shipment Fee shall be applicable for Product Shipments such as Frozen Meat, Fresh Meat & Frozen Prodcuts

Table 1: Initial Certification Charges

S.No Fee Particular Amount [INR]
1.2Document Review Per Day10,000
1.3Audit Fee per Man Day per Auditor10,000
1.5Report Preparation Charges10,000
1.6Certificate Fee5,000

Table 2: Special Services

S.No Fee Particular Amount [INR]
2.1Amendment / Update of the Certificate5,000