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The Saudi authority SASO (Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) introduced a new system called SABER, for issuance of Certificate of Conformity for products that are regulated through Technical Regulations.


Saber is an online system that connects importers, certification bodies and Saudi customs and trade authorities. The goal of Saber is to handle shipments quickly, track the products entering the market, eliminate/reduce counterfeit products thereby enabling SASO-approved products on the market shelves.


All the consumer products approved by the Saudi Standards Authority that are sold in the Saudi Market that are either imported or locally manufactured, which are regulated through Technical Regulations. Some of them are Leather goods, Fabrics, Electronics etc.


Importers have to register the regulated products and choose one of the SASO-approved certification bodies (CBs) to process their request. Once this is complete, a Product certificate (PCOC) is issued alongside the relevant Shipment Certificate (SCOC). SABER can be used to conduct both product and shipment certifications.

Product Certification of Conformity (PCOC)

The product certification of conformity (PCOC) is issued online in the SABER platform for every regulated product, as per the applicable product standards defined in the relevant technical regulation.

1. Importer adds product information on the SABER platform.
2. Importer selects CB for issuance of PCoC and pays related fees. 3. The CB accesses the SABER platform to check for importer requests.
4. CB facilitates the conformity assessment process and liaises with the exporter for submission of all substantiating documents.
5. The CB verifies the results and uploads qualifying valid documents into the system.
6. PCoC is issued online in SABER.

Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCOC)

Every regulated product included in the shipment will be verified by the CB to ensure there is an existing valid PCOC for the product. If a valid PCOC is confirmed, a SCOC is issued.

1. Importer sends online request, via SABER, to obtain SCOC for importing products into Saudi Arabia
2. CB verifies if there is valid PCOC for the regulated product
3. If PCOC is verified, the CB confirms in SABER that it has been found to be true
4. Importer pays SCOC fees
5. SCOC is issued online in SABER, valid for that specific shipment only